Angora Management Calender


04 - Crutch kids

04 - Inoculate kids before castration (pulpy kidney, pasturella, klem-in-die-kaak)

05 - Dip goats with an Angora wash (pre shearing preparation)

11 - Shearing season starts (summer clip)

19 - Class young replacement ewes

19 - Commence supplementary feeding of replacement ewes (Target weight for mating +28kg)

22 - Castrate ram kids / tag kids (4 months old)

22 - Dose kids with vitamin A and mineral supplement

25 - Veld ram auctions start



17 - Wean kids (+/- 4,5 months old)

18 - Class out old ewes and excess stock

18 - Dose ewes and rams for parasites (round worm, nasal worms) (6 weeks before mating)

18 - Dose ewes with vitaminA and mineral supplement



01 - Start supplementary / flush feeding of rams and ewes in preparation for mating

15 - Dip kids & young goats with an angora wash (pre shearing preparation)

22 - Shear kid & young goats (6 months)

22 - Dose kids (tape worm)

29 - Crutch ewes before mating

30 - Market mohair clip



01 - Mating season starts, put rams with ewes (8 weeks)(3% rams)



28 - Take rams out from ewes (2 Cycles + 2 weeks)



01 - Dip animals for external parasites (pour-on for pregnant ewes recommended)

22 - Crutch kids



06 - Dip goats with an Angora wash (pre shearing preparation) (do not dip pregnant ewes)

13 - Shearing season starts adults and young goats (winter clip)

13 - Inoculate ewes (pulpy kidney, pasturella,)

13 - Dose goats with vitamin and mineral supplement

13 - Dose ewes for parasites (general broad spectrum)

20 - Minimal handling of pregnant ewes to follow (late pregnancy)



01 - Start supplementary feeding of ewes for milk production (1 month)

01 - Minimal handling of pregnant ewes (late pregnancy)

03 - Market mohair clip

03 - Vermin control (following 3 months)



01 - Ewes start kidding (provide shelter)

01 - Extra attention on ewes during kidding season

01 - Vermin control

13 - Dip kids with an angora wash (pre shearing preparation)

20 - Shear kids (6 months)



01 - Vermin control

11 - Crutch ewes



15 - Ram auctions start

29 - Dose kids (tape worm / broad spectrum)



06 - Inoculate ewes (enzootic abortion)

07 - Dip for goats for external parasites

13 - Treat for coccidiosis if required

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